El Dorado

Coney Island Bumper Cars & Video Game Arcade
Like ancient Spanish conquistadors seeking out the legendary City of Gold, generations of thrill riders have traveled far and wide to enjoy some of the best bumper cars in New York City. If you and your friends are on a quest for fun with a physical element, Eldorado Auto Skooter is like finding the treasure at the end of the rainbow right here in Coney Island.
Centrally situated on Surf Avenue, Eldorado’s classic façade has been beckoning in kids of all ages since it first opened in 1973. You’ll not only find first-rate bumper cars in Coney Island, but also one of the coolest arcades in Brooklyn. This hub of local summertime fun and old-guard of Coney Island amusements is a popular venue for free local events, live DJ music blaring from the best sound system on the strip and parties that last all night long.

1216 Surf Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11224